
Anthea means ``Blossom`` in Greek.


About us? Anthea means “Flourish” in Greek.

This dream is born of our desire to want to share with you a space built with flavors, aromas, sensations and Mexican design, from the heart and love for our work. We are convinced that the world of tea is at reach of all. From our little place we want to share this path with all of you. The design of our collections is based on the seasons of the year, since throughout the same, fruits, spices and flowers are not the same.

We focus in the search for ingredients at its best time of the year. Our mission is to create collections with bases of different types of tea and infusions of high quality and freshness. We believe that each cup of tea is a particular world. Our blends will invite you to combine different teas of origin, with tropical fruits, aromatic spices, and colorful flowers.

You can always find in Anthea an ideal tea for you, that will take you on a trip through beautiful memories or places visited at some other time in this life. We support the #consumelocal in Mexico, for that reason we work with artisans from different states of the country, for the creation of our accessories of ceramics, wood and fabrics one hundred percent worked by Mexican hands.

We believe in fair trade, in commitment to our customers, in respect for the work of our colleagues. But above all things we seek to transmit concepts and proper techniques of consumption and preparation of tea with our guests, so that they themselves can transmit the culture of tea to their beings dear ones.

``The best tea, is not the most expensive ... But the one that is prepared with more love ``.

``You drink tea to forget the noise of the world``
